April 23, 2010

100 ways to say Fuck You

Funny that one of the first few words that we learn from foreign languages are cuss words aside from the usual "Hello", "Good Morning", "Good Evening", and  "I Love You". I stumbled upon this particular image while I was blog hopping. This is the ultimate guide!
But I beg to disagree with the Filipino translation. It should not equate to Putang Ina. Son of a Bitch may be a more appropriate english translation for Putang Ina. But the heck! I’m fine with it. It sounds better than Kantutin Kita and it sounds more "malutong" .
It's kinda weird that Putang Ina is highlighted compared to the other translations. Perhaps it's widely used across the globe as Filipinos are in the every corner of this planet.

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